The Role of Public Policy in the Educational Lives of our Most Vulnerable Youth: The McKinney-Vento Act and Homeless Children a Critical Policy Ethnography
Cunningham, Keith A.
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This critical policy ethnography analyzes the McKinney-Vento Act and the impact it has on the lives of homeless youth. Data comes from conversations with research partners situated in various key roles within the McKinney-Vento bureaucracy and the researcher's experience as an educator and participant observer at a homeless shelter and school as well as conversations at district and state level administrative offices. Analysis was informed by an ethic of care framework and a historiography was created to chronicle the policy's genealogy, intent, and guiding values. Utilizing an open systems model and creative nonfiction, the findings are presented in a deliberate effort that puts a human face to the families the policy impacts. Major findings and recommendations include a need for increased awareness and compliance monitoring of the policy as well as an investment of additional resources to adequately respond to McKinney-Vento issues throughout the public education system.
education of homeless youth, critical policy analysis, critical ethnography, educational policy, activist research
Cunningham, K. A. (2013). The role of public policy in the educational lives of our most vulnerable youth: The McKinney-Vento Act and homeless children a critical policy ethnography (Unpublished dissertation). Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas.