Teaching and Learning Technology and New Media in a Community-Based Program: Adult Educators and Older Learners’ Experiences




Hernandez, Regina

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This qualitative case study documented the experiences of two adult educators and four older learners’ teaching and learning technology and new media in a community-based program in Texas. The research questions guiding this study included: (1) What can we learn from looking at the educational efforts of a community-based programs offering technology instruction to older adult learners? (2) What is the role of new media and technology in changing older adults’ lifestyles? (3) What are the motivations of older adults to venture into the use and exploration of technology and new media? Data were collected from individual interviews, observations, documents, and the researcher’s journal. Data analysis followed narrative analysis strategies and was driven by the study framework. Thus, study findings are presented in light of lifelong learning theory. Specifically, chapter IV describes the experiences of the instructors and learners as they teach and learn technology and new media. It also presents study findings in light of three lifelong learning principles: (a) learning for a more highly skilled workforce and strong economy, (b) learning for a better democracy and an inclusive society, and (c) learning for a more personally rewarding life. Chapter V presents the points of intersection between instructors’ and learners’ perspectives in relation to the learning of technology and new media. This last chapter also offers recommendations for practice for program administrators and adult educators as well as suggestions for future research.



technology, new media, older adults


Hernández, R. (2016). Teaching and Learning Technology and New Media in a Community-Based Program: Adult Educators and Older Learners’ Experiences (Unpublished dissertation). Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas.


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