Huston, MichaelBrown, Virginia B.2016-06-282016-06-282016-05Brown, V. B. (2016). Effects of environmental conditions of size distributions of Lepidoptera in two contrasting ecosystems: The Chihuahuan Desert and the Edwards Plateau (Unpublished thesis). Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas. abstract prepared.Text44 pages1 file (.pdf)enlepidopteraChihuahuan desertEdwards Plateaubody Sizeenvironmental factorsresponseinsectecologylandscape ecologyprecipitationtemperaturegrowing degree DaysDevelopmentDesertAridRainfallUVEffects of Environmental Conditions of Size Distributions of Lepidoptera in Two Contrasting Ecosystems: The Chihuahuan Desert and the Edwards PlateauThesis