Shields, Patricia M.Guy, Mary Ellen2019-03-042019-03-042019-03Shields, P. M., & Guy, M. E. (2019). Recovering Jane Addams: Public administration pioneer. Presented at the American Society for Public Administration Annual Conference, Washington, D.C. presentation makes the case that the field of public administration should recover diverse voices from its past. It does this by showcasing Jane Addams as an unrecognized pioneer. It highlights her remarkable life and accomplishments particularly as a leader of the settlement movement and as a pragmatist, feminist philosopher. Key philosophic ideas such as participatory democracy, sympathetic understanding, social ethics, social claim, lateral progress, municipal housekeeping and positive peace are highlighted.Image46 pages1 file (.pdf)1 file (.pptx)ensettlement movementsocial reformparticipatory democracysocial ethicsAddams, JaneRecovering Jane Addams: Public Administration PioneerPresentation