Sansom, AndrewDixon, Richard W.2021-11-222021-11-222005-06Sansom, A., & Dixon, R. W. (2005). Part IV irrigation water management issues for Texas golf courses executive summary (Report No. 2005-06). Texas State University-San Marcos, San Marcos, Texas. water is proving to be a beneficial source of irrigation water for golf courses around the world. To gain a better perspective of issues associated with reclaimed water use, 487 golf course superintendents in Texas were surveyed. Of those, 150 surveys were returned, and 40 respondents indicated they were using reclaimed water at their facility. Costs and availability were the biggest impediments to reclaimed water use and the most commonly cited problems were salinity, algae growth, and clogged irrigation heads. Commonly cited benefits included a reliable water source, conservation of fresh water, and cost. A follow-on project investigated the impact of golf course fertilizer applications on water quality in Spring Lake on the Texas State campus. The study showed no statistically significant correlation between fertilizer applications and measured dissolved oxygen concentrations in the lake. A preliminary assessment of best practices was developed to outline environmentally sustainable practices for golf course superintendents. The manual also includes an overview of the Texas State University golf course and examines the course's practices and their effects on the surrounding environment.Text7 pages1 file (.pdf)enwater qualitywater managementgolf coursessustainabilityconservationPart IV Irrigation Water Management Issues for Texas Golf Courses Executive SummaryReport