Snowden, Dorothy P.2020-12-162020-12-161968-10Snowden, D. P. (1968). The Southwest Texas State College Library considers "Books for college libraries." Texas Library Journal, 44(1). a copy of Books for College Libraries was received by the Southwest Texas State College Library, reference librarians had searched library literature for reports of library holdings compared with what had become known as "the California list." It was with interest and enthusiasm that the reference department in November 1967 began checking the SWTSC public catalog against the 53,400 titles on the 897 pages of titles in Books for College Libraries. By the time this task was completed in May, 1968, no comparison between a college library collection outside of California colleges and BCL had been nationally published.Text2 pages1 file (.pdf)enacademic librariescollege librariescollectionsbook selectionslibrary holdingsThe Southwest Texas State College Library Considers "Books for College Libraries"Article