Summers, EmilyBailey, Cassidy Noelle2023-08-082023-08-082023-05Bailey, C. N. (2023). Women refugee students: United Nations' visual representation. Honors College, Texas State University. study investigated educational continuity accommodations for women experiencing (re)location in contemporary refugee crises through the lens of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) website. The researcher used visual analysis of digital media in the UNHCR’s ‘Her Turn’ multimedia report, which highlights girls’ education and the UNHCR’s accommodation efforts in refugee camps, to investigate representation of refugee women with focus on women who are continuing as secondary and postsecondary students post-(re)location. Visual analysis revealed a disproportionate number of young girls in primary classrooms represented, compared to the number of older women represented in secondary and postsecondary student roles.Text12 pages1 file (.pdf)enUnited NationsUNUNHCRrefugeewomenstudentseducationwomen Studieseducationcritical analysisvisual analysisvisual critical analysisphotographydigital journalismschoolmedia biaswomen studentsWomen Refugee Students: United Nations' Visual RepresentationCapstone