Padhi, SeshadevDix, Julio G.2006-05-252012-02-242006-05Padhi, S., & Dix, J. G. (2006). Oscillation of functional differential equations of N-TH order with distributed deviating arguments. Journal of Contemporary Mathematics, 1, pp. 11-24. establish conditions for the oscillation and asymptotic behavior of non-oscillatory solutions of the following functional differential equation with distributed deviating arguments. y(n)(t) + p(t)y(n-1)(t) + ∫bα q(t, ξ) ƒ(y(t), y(t - τ(t, ξ))) dσ(ξ) d = 0, We find explicit sufficient conditions for the oscillation as lower bounds for moments of the integral kernel q.Text10 pages1 file (.pdf)endifferential equationsdelay equationsoscillationMathematicsOscillation of Functional Differential Equations of n-th Order with Distributed Deviating ArgumentsArticle