Weaver, SaraWeckerly, Floyd W.2016-05-112016-05-112011-01Weaver, S. P., & Weckerly, F. W. (2011). Sex ratio estimates of Roosevelt elk using counts and Bowden’s estimator. California Fish and Game, 97, pp. 130-137.https://hdl.handle.net/10877/5990Adult sex ratios were calculated with count data, and with Bowden's estimator, and results were evaluated for potential bias in a population of Roosevelt elk (Cervus elaphus roosevelti) surveyed from 1997 to 2011. The mean and high count sex ratio estimates were two to eight percent lower, on average, than the Bowden's sex ratio estimates. Bowden's estimator accounts for imperfect detection and is more likely to reliably estimate sex ratios of Roosevelt elk and, potentially, other ungulates.Text8 pages1 file (.pdf)enbiasBowden's estimatorcervus elaphuscount dataimperfect detectionRoosevelt elksex ratiosightabilityBiologySex Ratio Estimates of Roosevelt Elk Using Counts and Bowden’s EstimatorArticle