Furney, Steven R.Redwine, Gerald DeWayne2015-05-222015-05-222015-05Redwine, G. D. (2015). Type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) in an African-American subculture: Grounded theory of Afro-Theistic faith, knowledge, and Afro-Theistic social constructs (Unpublished dissertation). Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas.https://hdl.handle.net/10877/5538The purpose of this study was to develop a theory grounded in data of how diabetic COGIC members combine their Afro-Theistic faith with their knowledge of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM), through Afro-Theistic social constructs. With grounded theory as a methodology, this study unequivocally followed Corbin and Strauss (2007) processes of developing a grounded theory. The interview of only five participants provided enough thick and rich data to saturate five categories that emerged on the way to developing a grounded theory. The five categories that emerged were: (1) Faith, the most prevalent, (2) Fix and (3) Fatalism, both actions, and (4) Fear and (5)Frustration, both emotions. A Theory in 3-D emerged as a portrait of the grounded theory developed along with the actions, interactions and the emotions relative the subculture (COGIC) of African-Americans with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM). This Theory in 3-D captured a theory of Substantive Living. The Theory in 3-D also morphed into a model called Permeated Learning. In the process of developing a theory concerning DM, this study traces the African-American culture back to slavery. The tracing of the African-American culture is in two areas, theism and health. Theism provided the source of African-Americans subcultures through the divisions of churches. Most of the health discussions relates to diabetes in the African-American culture, but a discussed recreational exercise of the African-American ancestors is at the end of chapter 5.Text250 pages1 file (.pdf)enType 2 Diabetes MellitusAfrican-AmericanSubcultureGrounded TheoryAfro-TheisticFaithKnowledgeSocial ConstructsCOGICType 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM) in an African-American Subculture: Grounded Theory of Afro-Theistic Faith, Knowledge, and Afro-Theistic Social ConstructsDissertation