Ancelet, LisaWaugh, Laura2018-10-292018-10-292018-10Ancelet, L., & Waugh, L. (2018). Developing a researcher profile and managing your research environment. Presented at the Texas State University Libraries Scholarly Communications Workshops Series. online tools such as Google Scholar, Web of Science, and ORCID allow users to register for a unique number so that all of the publications of a given author can be linked together. This has several advantages: Claim all of your publications, no matter what name was used at the time of publication or how the authors were listed; Identifiers can appear in citations and be shared so that your publications are just a click away from any researcher interested in following your work.Image14 pages1 file (.pdf)enresearcher profilesORCIDGoogle ScholarWeb of ScienceScopusimpact metricsDeveloping a Researcher Profile and Managing Your Research EnvironmentPresentation