Adhikari, Dhruba R.Stachura, Eric2021-10-112021-10-112020-11-24Adhikari, D. R., & Stachura, E. (2020). General p-curl systems and duality mappings on Sobolev spaces for Maxwell equations. <i>Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 2020</i>(116), pp. 1-22.1072-6691 study a general p-curl system arising from a model of type-II superconductors. We show several trace theorems that hold on either a Lipschitz domain with small Lipschitz constant or on a C1,1 domain. Certain duality mappings on related Sobolev spaces are computed and used to establish surjectivity results for the p-curl system. We also solve a nonlinear boundary value problem for a general p-curl system on a C1,1 domain and provide a variational characterization of the first eigenvalue of the p-curl operator.Text22 pages1 file (.pdf)enAttribution 4.0 Internationalp-curl operatorDuality mappingsTrace theoremsNemytskii operatorGeneral p-curl systems and duality mappings on Sobolev spaces for Maxwell equationsArticle