Russell, David L.White, Luther W.2020-01-072020-01-072000-04-12Russell, D. L., & White, L. W. (2000). The bowed narrow plate model. <i>Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 2000</i>(27), pp. 1-19.1072-6691 derivation of a narrow plate model that accommodates shearing, torsional, and bowing effects is presented. The resulting system has mathematical and computational advantages since it is in the form of a system of differential equations depending on only one spatial variable. A validation of the model against frequency data observed in laboratory experiments is presented. The models may be easily combined to form more complicated structures that are hinged along all or portions of their junction boundaries or are coupled differentiably as through the insertion of dowels between the narrow plates. Computational examples are presented to illustrate the types of deformations possible by coupling these models.Text19 pages1 file (.pdf)enAttribution 4.0 InternationalMindlin-Timoshenk platesNarrow platesCoupled structuresThe Bowed Narrow Plate ModelArticle