Brooks, Ann K.Guerra, PatriciaPena, Cindy2021-11-242021-11-242021-12Peña, C. (2021). <i>Nuestras experiencias, our experiences: Testimonios of Mexicanas in the U.S.</i> (Unpublished dissertation). Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas. purpose of my study was to document the educational experiences of adult mexicana immigrants and their convivencia with others in public spaces. This study consequently addressed the interdisciplinary gap between adult education and Chicana feminist epistemology. I collected data through a convivencia testimonial and one-on-one interviews. Data analysis was done by inductively coding the transcripts into a collective story extrapolated from the themes found. I sought the opinions and thoughts of my findings with my participants to check for trustworthiness. The outcome helped gain a deeper understanding of adult immigrant women’s experiences learning English in a community-based adult education program and its impact on their gendered identity.Text219 pages1 file (.pdf)enAdult educationMexican immigrant womenEnglish as a second languageChicana feminist epistemologyConvivencia testimonialNuestras Experiencias, Our Experiences: Testimonios of Mexicanas in the U.S.Dissertation