Yick, Joseph K. S.2006-09-072012-02-242005-08Yick, J. K. S. (2005). From enemy to employee: Japanese soldiers in Shanxi Province, 1945-1949. Research Enhancement Program, Texas State University, San Marcos, TX.https://hdl.handle.net/10877/2847Research Enhancement Program Final ReportI conducted research at the Tokyo-based Toyo Bunko (Oriental Library) from 15-29 May; at Stanford University from 17-23 July; and at the Library of Congress from 7-16 August 2005. I perused, recorded, and photocopied related research material. For example, at Stanford I found articles in Chinese newspapers published in the late 1940s, which discussed Japanese military activities in Shanxi Province. At the Library of Congress I located Japanese sources written by those former Japanese soldiers who had helped the Communists to fight the Nationalists in Shanxi Province during the Chinese Civil War of 1945-49. At Toyo Bunko I discovered Japanese memoirs on how and why some former Japanese soldiers had decided to stay on and serve the Nationalists by combating the Communists in Shanxi.Text1 page1 file (.pdf)enJapanese soldiersShanxi provinceJapan1945-1949From Enemy to Employee: Japanese Soldiers in Shanxi Province, 1945-1949Report