Lu, YongmeiParr, David A.2012-02-242012-02-242008-06Parr, D. A. (2008). <i>Innovation diffusion in geographic information science research</i> (Unpublished thesis). Texas State University-San Marcos, San Marcos, Texas. Information Science (GIS) researchers analyze digital data to identify spatial patterns quantitatively. Following a similar approach, this thesis research reveals the diffusion dynamics of GIS research through analyzing the field's publications. A total of 985 GIS journal articles published between 1997 and 2007 in six different academic journals were examined. By assuming that each article was conducted at the institution listed as the primary author's affiliation, each journal article is evaluated using latent semantic analysis to reveal a set of correlations between the research themes of the articles year-by-year and location-by-location. With knowledge of the location and time of each publication, we show the spatial and thematic evolution of research activities in GIS.Text70 pages1 file (.pdf)enGISLSAGeographic information scienceGeographyInovation diffusionLatent semantic analysisGeographyInnovation Diffusion in Geographic Information Science ResearchThesis