Shields, Patricia M.2018-10-092018-10-092018-10Shields, P. M. (2018). Academic publishing in military studies: Insights from an experienced editor. Presented at the Inter-University Seminar on Armed Forces and Society, Ottawa, Canada. is a workshop on publishing in military studies presented at the Inter-University Seminar on Armed Forces and Society - Canada. It includes a discussion of how articles in military studies are ranked and rated, the manuscript review process, the editor's perspective, getting past the editor's desk, general tips on quality, things to consider before submission and at the revise and resubmit stage, personal keys to success and how to enhance discoverability after publication.Image54 pages1 file (.pdf)1 file (.pptx)encivil-military relationsacademic publishingmilitary studiesscholarly publishingPolitical ScienceAcademic Publishing in Military Studies: Insights from an Experienced EditorPresentation