Shields, Patricia M.Vandiver, Donna2023-12-182023-12-182023-11Shields, P. M., & Vandiver, D. (2023). The write team: Publishing partnerships between faculty and students. Faculty Advancement, Texas State University. workshop on publishing with students sponsored by the Texas State University Faculty Advancement Center. At Texas State, teaching and research are two of the most important things we do in our community. Often, we work to combine these two pillars to provide both quality teaching and research. One way to do this is publishing research with students. As with everything in teaching and research, publishing with students presents amazing opportunities as well as challenges to navigate. This session contains tips and recommendations for partnering with students on publishing research and becoming the write team.Image16 pages1 file (.pdf)1 file (.pptx)enhigher educationstudentsfacultypartnershipsThe Write Team: Publishing Partnerships Between Faculty and StudentsPresentation