Hale, Janet RiolaSlusher, Elizabeth2021-06-042021-06-042021-05Slusher, E. (2021). Makeup your mind: A consumer guide to cosmetic greenwashing in the United States (Unpublished thesis). Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas.https://hdl.handle.net/10877/13758The term greenwashing was coined by Jay Westerveld in 1986 in an essay describing the hospitality industry and their misleading efforts to promote the reuse of towels. In this guide I define greenwashing as deceiving consumers regarding environmental practices of a company or environmental benefits of a product. This guide explores the deception of environmental marketing and selling of cosmetic products in the United States. By examining regulatory laws and agencies provided by FDA, FTC, and USDA regarding cosmetic labeling and marketing, I create a guide for consumers to detect greenwashing in cosmetic products marketed and sold in the U.S.Text38 pages1 file (.pdf)engreenwashingenvironmentenvironmentalismbeautymakeupgreen beautyclean beautycleanmakeupcosmeticconsumerismgreen consumerismMakeup Your Mind: A Consumer Guide to Cosmetic Greenwashing in the United StatesThesis