Raphael, Rebecca2009-08-122012-02-242008-01Raphael, R. (2008). The anomalous body in Late Antique Judaism. Research Enhancement Program, Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas.https://hdl.handle.net/10877/2792Research Enhancement Program Final ReportThe REP grant supported a concentrated period of study as a Visiting Fellow at the Yale Divinity School, in summer 2008. There, I conducted general research on the topic; studied Biblical Aramaic; researched and composed the first draft of an article on 4 Ezra (see item 6); and researched a paper on the book of Daniel (see item 6). I drafted the paper in Fall 2008. Both items will comprise chapters of a projected book, and will be included in the book proposal, which I have discussed with the acquisitions editor of my current publisher.Text2 pages1 file (.pdf)enanomalous bodyantiqueJudaismBiblical AramaicThe Anomalous Body in Late Antique JudaismReport