Schüler, NicoGutierrez, Jennifer2022-03-042022-03-042021-12Gutierrez, J. (2021). Pedagogical approaches to Guatemalan music (Unpublished thesis). Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas. the demographics of the United States continue to evolve, educators have influence over their curriculum and a responsibility to embrace the opportunities they must increase students’ levels of awareness and acceptance of others who may represent different ethnic groups. The following resource-to-research thesis will provide background information and recommendations for instructional approaches one may use when sharing world music in the classroom with a focus on Guatemalan music. To develop these instructional approaches, I synthesized handbooks, culturally conscious materials with a combination of hands-on instrumental experience and gathered classroom-ready resources. To teach world music effectively, teachers need to acknowledge personal cultural biases, address music concepts and sociocultural contexts, invite cultural bearers into the curriculum and enable students to participate in culturally conscious music-making opportunities.Text68 pages1 file (.pdf)enGuatemalacultural awarenessdiversitymusic educationworld musicPedagogical Approaches to Guatemalan MusicThesis