Marynets, Kateryna2022-01-102022-01-102018-02-28Marynets, K. (2018). Two-point boundary problem for modeling the jet flow of the Antarctic circumpolar current. <i>Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 2018</i>(56), pp. 1-12.1072-6691 a functional-analytic approach for two-point boundary value problems, for a large class of oceanic vorticities, we establish the existence of solutions to a model for the jet flows of the Antarctic circumpolar current with no azimuthal variations. In our approach we rely on the stereographic projection to pass from spherical to planar coordinates.Text12 pages1 file (.pdf)enAttribution 4.0 InternationalGeophysical flowBoundary-value problemVorticityTwo-point boundary problem for modeling the jet flow of the Antarctic circumpolar currentArticle