Frassu, SilviaRocha, Eugenio M.Staicu, Vasile2021-11-292021-11-292019-05-31Frassu, S., Rocha, E. M., & Staicu, V. (2019). Three nontrivial solutions for nonlocal anisotropic inclusions under nonresonance. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 2019(75), pp. 1-16.1072-6691 this article, we study a pseudo-differential inclusion driven by a nonlocal anisotropic operator and a Clarke generalized subdifferential of a nonsmooth potential, which satisfies nonresonance conditions both at the origin and at infinity. We prove the existence of three nontrivial solutions: one positive, one negative and one of unknown sign, using variational methods based on nosmooth critical point theory, more precisely applying the second deformation theorem and spectral theory. Here, a nosmooth anisotropic version of the Holder versus Sobolev minimizers relation play an important role.Text16 pages1 file (.pdf)enAttribution 4.0 InternationalIntegrodifferential operatorsDifferential inclusionsNonsmooth analysisCritical point theoryThree nontrivial solutions for nonlocal anisotropic inclusions under nonresonanceArticle