Nason, EricaWooten, Brianna2022-07-132022-07-132022-05Wooten, B. (2022). #PawsitiveAwareness: To educate and promote being a powerful, strong-minded, uplifted veterinarian now and to be (Unpublished thesis). Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas. project explores the impacts of a social media profile via Instagram that promotes and educates on the mental health of veterinarians and future vets. The profile informs and gives everyone knowledge and tools to help them be more aware of issues related to mental health and thoughtful about factors unique to this industry. The content of the posts is diverse and ranges from statistical analysis, descriptions of mental health apps, awareness days/months, to unusual facts as well as spreading positivity! While posting, we are simultaneously collecting quantitative data such as the number of likes, comments, shares, views, and feedback received per post per week. With this data I will be able to determine how wide my audience gets and the reach of my posts based on my data. The primary goal of the project is to determine if Instagram is a good tool in for bringing about positive change in mental health within veterinary medicine.Text17 pages1 file (.pdf)enawarenessveterinary medicineInstagrammental health#PawsitiveAwareness: To educate and promote being a powerful, strong-minded, uplifted veterinarian now and to beThesis