Goodley, LaurenBanuelos, ChrisScott, Bethany2023-05-012023-05-012023-04Goodley, L. (2023). FAAQ: Frequently Asked Archivematica questions. Presented at the Society of Southwest Archivists, Albuquerque, New Mexico. you a long-time Archivematica user with a deep understanding of digital preservation? This session is for you! Have you heard of Archivematica but don’t really understand what it does and why? This session is also for you! Each panelist will spend 15 minutes reviewing their experiences and highlights of the tool. We will be discussing all phases of Archivematica from choosing to use the system in the first place through active implementation and the challenges we faced along the way. We will also leave plenty of time for questions. Our hope is that the session will be interactive and promise to answer any and all questions, big and small. Digital preservation is complex at all levels of engagement, and we encourage participation from those who don’t identify as digital archivists, or who don’t typically do this type of work. This panel is intended to provide a safe and inclusive space for attendees as every archivist’s area of expertise is valuable. We welcome all archivists to join us in digital preservation discussions.Image11 pages1 file (.pdf)enArchivematicadigital preservationarchivesFAAQ: Frequently Asked Archivematica QuestionsPresentation