Lieneck, CristianMcLauchlan, MatthewAdachi, ValerieBillings, Roger2024-04-042024-04-042024-03Lieneck, C., McLauchlan, M., Adachi, V., & Billings, R. (2024). Stakeholder perspectives of the Inflation Reduction Act’s (2022) impact on prescription drugs. Poster presented at the Health Scholar Showcase, Translational Health Research Center, San Marcos, Texas. this review, we examine the impact of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) of 2022 on pharmaceutical drugs in the United States, drawing on a diverse range of sources to understand the perceptions of multiple stakeholders and professionals. Findings suggest that the Act, while aiming to control price inflation, has had a multifaceted impact on the pharmaceutical sector.Image1 page1 file (.pdf)enInflation Reduction Actprescription drugsStakeholder Perspectives of the Inflation Reduction Act’s (2022) Impact on Prescription DrugsPoster