Buckley, ElizabethAladin, Richeler2018-05-212018-05-212018-05Aladin, R. (2018). Script to screen: A production story trimillennial (Unpublished thesis). Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas.https://hdl.handle.net/10877/7231Script to screen: A Production Story focuses on the creation of Trimillennial a sci fi/mystery TV pilot that explores a society that we American’s could be heading towards in a century from now. Imagine living under a New Regime that resembles a Democracy but secretly resembles a Fascist movement. This fascist movement uses progress and technology to hide their deeds while behind the scenes use their justice system of erasing people’s memories to obtain what they want. Episode one will be telling the story of what happened 2 years after Xavier and Zane have their memories erased on purpose. The pre-production to post production process of this creative work include: original screenwriting, location researching, casting, directing, rehearsals, budgeting and scheduling, and editing. The pre-production process began January 18th, the production process took place over two weekends March 2nd - 3rd, March 9th - 11th, and the post production process began March 12th.Text39 pages1 file (.pdf)enfilmmakingscience fictionpre-productionpost productionscreenwritingScript to Screen: A Production Story TrimillennialThesis