Wong, KimberlyGarza, LeslieRobbins, Meagan2021-07-212021-07-212021-04Wong, K., Garza, L., & Robbins, M. (2021). “Everything is Theory Versus Practice”: Department Policy Changes in the Time of Black Lives Matter. Poster presented at the International Research Conference for Graduate Students, San Marcos, Texas.https://hdl.handle.net/10877/14033The current study investigated how policing has changed from the viewpoint of police officers, due to the modern racial justice movement that has come to mainstream attention in the United States. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with a sample of current police officers, regarding recent department policy changes and resulting shifts to routine policing behaviors. Using narratives from the perspective of police officers, the research explored how these two functions have been altered due to the present controversy surrounding policing and demand for police reform. Results and future implications will be discussed.Image1 page1 file (.pdf)enpolice officersracial justicepolicy changespolice reform“Everything is Theory Versus Practice”: Department Policy Changes in the Time of Black Lives MatterPoster