Allal, BrahimFragnelli, GenniSalhi, Jawad2023-05-232023-05-232023-02-22Allal, B., Fragnelli, G., & Salhi, J. (2023). Null controllability of coupled systems of degenerate parabolic integro-differential equations. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 2023(18), pp. 1-22.1072-6691 article concerns the null controllability of a coupled system of two degenerate parabolic integro-differential equations with one locally distributed control force. Since the memory terms do not allow applying the standards Carleman estimates directly, we start by proving a null controllability result for an associated nonhomogeneous degenerate coupled system employing new Carleman estimates with appropriate weight functions. As a consequence, we deduce the null controllability result for the initial memory system by using the Kakutani's fixed point Theorem.Text22 pages1 file (.pdf)enAttribution 4.0 InternationalCarleman estimatesParabolic systems involving memory termsObservability inequalityNull controllabilityNull controllability of coupled systems of degenerate parabolic integro-differential equationsArticle