Gu, HaiboZhou, YongAhmad, BashirAlsaedi, Ahmed2022-06-012022-06-012017-06-19Gu, H., Zhou, Y., Ahmad, B., & Alsaedi, A. (2017). Integral solutions of fractional evolution equations with nondense domain. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 2017(145), pp. 1-15.1072-6691 this article, we study the existence of integral solutions for two classes of fractional order evolution equations with nondensely defined linear operators. First, we consider the nonhomogeneous fractional order evolution equation and obtain its integral solution by Laplace transform and probability density function. Subsequently, based on the form of integral solution for nonhomogeneous fractional order evolution equation, we investigate the existence of integral solution for nonlinear fractional order evolution equation by noncompact measure method.Text15 pages1 file (.pdf)enAttribution 4.0 InternationalFractional evolution equationCaputo derivativeIntegral solutionNondense domainIntegral solutions of fractional evolution equations with nondense domainArticle