Villagran, Melinda M.MacArthur, Brenda L.2014-04-162014-04-162014-04MacArthur, B. L. (2014). <i>Physicians as active team members: Checking your ego at the door</i> (Unpublished thesis). Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas. thesis examines the relationship between physicians’ professional socialization, and inter-professional communication. Predicted outcome value theory is used as a framework to understand how physicians’ perceptions of socialization about their profession affect their perceptions of inter-professional communication. Results from multiple regressions indicate that socialization about the value of professional relationships predicts inter-professional communication. Pearson’s correlations indicate that socialization about the profession’s goals and values is related to physicians’ identification with their profession and the organizations where they work. Physicians in this study viewed occupational identity as a part of the professional socialization process, and inter-professional communication as a part of their organizational role.Text102 pages1 file (.pdf)enPhysician educationSocializationInter-professional communicationPredicted outcome valuePhysicians--PsychologyPhysicians--AttitudesProfessional socializationPhysicians as Active Team Members: Checking Your Ego at the DoorThesis