Blair, John M.Malone, Bailey Lane2018-12-182018-12-182018-12Malone, B. L. (2018). A gully of vultures (Unpublished thesis). Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas. Gonzales, a twenty-nothing who earns money on the side running errands for his shady friends, picks up an old west novel titled “A Gully of Vultures”. Looking for escape in a classic western story with plenty of shootouts and romance, Hugo is disappointed to find that the book centers around an old Postal Inspector, John Cooper, and an impulsive post office employee, Clint Bright. Hugo’s and Cooper’s paths gradually start to mirror each other’s as they both lose control over the direction their lives are heading. Hugo watches Cooper struggle with his reality and subconsciously starts to examine his life through a similar critical lens.Text50 pages1 file (.pdf)enfictionshort storyfunnyexistentialdialoguepieA Gully of VulturesThesis