Etherton, Joseph L.2009-08-042012-02-242007-01Etherton, J. L. (2007). Classification accuracy of the WAIS-III for detecting pain-related malingering. Research Enhancement Program, Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas. Enhancement Program Final ReportThirty volunteers were administered the WAIS-III while instructed to believably fake pain-related impairment. Results indicated that the 14 subtest scores, 4 composite index scores, and Full-scale IQ scores were substantially lower than expected for college students, reflecting general performance impairment. These data will be integrated with clinical patients who are (1) clearly injured and not malingering; (2) clearly malingering and with minimal evidence of injury. A manuscript has been written and awaits final data cleaning of clinical patients for final analyses and discussion of results. Manuscript is to be submitted to Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology.Text1 page1 file (.pdf)enWAIS-IIIpain-related impairmentcollege studentsClassification Accuracy of the WAIS-III for Detecting Pain-Related MalingeringReport