Piner, EdwinSimpson, Jeffrey R.2020-10-142020-10-142016-12Simpson, J. R. (2016). Growth and characterization of novel GaN high electron mobility transistor structures with enhanced two-dimensional electron gas (Unpublished dissertation). Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas. gallium nitride based high electron mobility transistor structures were grown using metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. Traditional GaN based HEMT structures incorporate a version of an aluminum gallium nitride / gallium nitride single crystalline heterointerface for generation of a conductive two-dimensional electron gas. The grown structures aim to enhance the properties of their two-dimensional electron gases beyond commercially available designs. Novel material alterations to the traditional HEMT structures have established a new materials platform for this technology. Growth and characterization of these novel materials are presented.Text182 pages1 file (.pdf)enMOCVDHEMTGaNGrowth and characterization of novel GaN high electron mobility transistor structures with enhanced two-dimensional electron gasDissertation