Neal, Adam T.Mou, ShinLopez, RobertoLi, Jian V.Thomson, Darren B.Chabak, Kelson D.Jessen, Gregg H.2019-09-062019-09-062017-10Neal, A. T., Mou, S., Lopez, R., Li, J. V., Thomson, D. B., Chabak, K. D., & Jessen, G. H. (2017). Incomplete ionization of a 110 meV unintentional donor in β-Ga2O3 and its effect on power devices. Scientific Reports, 7(13218).2045-2322 the origin of unintentional doping in Ga2O3 is key to increasing breakdown voltages of Ga2O3 based power devices. Therefore, transport and capacitance spectroscopy studies have been performed to better understand the origin of unintentional doping in Ga2O3. Previously unobserved unintentional donors in commercially available (¯201) Ga2O3 substrates have been electrically characterized via temperature dependent Hall effect measurements up to 1000 K and found to have a donor energy of 110 meV. The existence of the unintentional donor is confirmed by temperature dependent admittance spectroscopy, with an activation energy of 131 meV determined via that technique, in agreement with Hall effect measurements. With the concentration of this donor determined to be in the mid to high 1016 cm-3 range, elimination of this donor from the drift layer of Ga2O3 power electronics devices will be key to pushing the limits of device performance. Indeed, analytical assessment of the specific on-resistance (Ronsp) and breakdown voltage of Schottky diodes containing the 110 meV donor indicates that incomplete ionization increases Ronsp and decreases breakdown voltage as compared to Ga2O3 Schottky diodes containing only the shallow donor. The reduced performance due to incomplete ionization occurs in addition to the usual tradeoff between Ronsp and breakdown voltage.Text7 pages1 file (.pdf)enunintentional donorincomplete ionizationpower devicesIncomplete Ionization of a 110 meV Unintentional Donor in β-Ga2O3 and its Effect on Power DevicesArticle work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.