Zmikly, JonPacheco, Junior2023-12-082023-12-082023-05Pacheco, J. (2023). Lost in translation. Honors College, Texas State University. in Translation is a multimedia installation exploring Latin identity through the lens of religion and language. Junior Pacheco labeled himself “no sabo kid” not because they cannot speak Spanish fluently or knew nothing about the culture but because they felt disconnected from the culture, Lost in Translation acts as a new starting point to reconnect with and strengthen their identity as Latino. Broken into a physical display—with AR audio elements—meant to represent a found solace within Catholicism and a mini podcast series uncovering the secrets of family heritage, Lost in Translation shares one story of the complexity of an on-going cultural identity crisis as future generations of immigrant families struggle to identify with their cultural heritage and adopted culture.Text36 pages1 file (.pdf)enLatin identitySpanishassimilationcultureCatholicismpodcastinstallationARLost in TranslationCapstone