Qasem, ApanVara, Suman2012-02-012012-02-012011-05Vara, S. (2011). Evaluating shared-cache performance with microbenchmarks and reuse distance analysis (Unpublished thesis). Texas State University-San Marcos, San Marcos, Texas. of multicore architectures has opened up new opportunities for thread-level parallelism and dramatically increased the theoretical peak on current systems. However, achieving a high fraction of peak performance requires careful orchestration of many architecture-sensitive parameters. In particular, the presence of shared-caches on multicore architectures makes it necessary to consider, in concert, issues related to both parallelism and data locality. This research evaluates the shared-cache performance of several scientic kernels. A synthetic microbenchmark along with hardware performance counter measurements are used to estimate cache sharing among multiple threads in parallel applications. A novel reuse-distance based algorithm is developed to identify correlations between reused distance patterns and shared-cache utilization.Text53 pages1 file (.pdf)enparallilismmulticoreEvaluating Shared-Cache Performance with Microbenchmarks and Reuse Distance AnalysisThesis