Chahin, T. Jaime2019-07-032019-07-031993-03Chahin, T. J. (1993). Leadership, Diversity and the Campus Community. Paper presented at the American Association for Higher Education Annual Conference, Washington, D.C. develop and implement diversity initiatives in the university community requires the effective implementation of initiatives in many areas. Diversity leaders should be cognizant of institutional values and attitudes and the vision espoused by the university's president. The diversity leader should inform the university community about opportunities to diversify the workforce. Diversifying the student population will require effective student recruitment and retention, financial resources to assist economically marginal students, an environment that welcomes students, and proactive student services to respond to diversity issues emerging on campus. Diversity initiatives should strive for intellectual diversity that includes other kinds of diversities--cultural, racial, gender, sexual, social, and economic. Multicultural activities should be integrated within the institutional calendar of student activities that celebrate commonalities as well as cultural patterns. Diversity leaders also need to mobilize minority staff and faculty organizations to provide guidance and resources. They must assess the corporate culture of their institutions to determine strengths and weaknesses and then find specific niches that can be used to build support. Several recommendations are offered for developing support for diversity and reducing faculty resistance. (JDD)Text14 pages1 file (.pdf)encultural differencescultural pluralismdiversity (institutional)higher educationleadershipleadership responsibilitymulticultural educationprogram developmentsocial differencesstaff rolechange strategydiversity (faculty)diversity (student)Social WorkLeadership, Diversity and the Campus Community.Paper