Shields, Patricia M.Soeters, Joseph2023-03-072023-03-072023-03Shields, P., & Soeters, J. (2023). Jane Addams and the nobel art of peaceweaving. Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado. presentation explores ”Peaceweaving”, Jane Addams notion of positive peace. Peaceweaving entails building the fabric of peace by emphasizing relationships. These positive relationships are built by working on practical problems, avoiding rigid moralisms/moral chauvinism, embracing perplexity, engaging people widely with sympathetic understanding while recognizing that progress is measured by the welfare of the vulnerable. This concept is imbedded in Addams’s feminist pragmatism. We apply pragmatism and her notion of peaceweaving to contemporary UN peacekeeping operations.Image17 pages1 file (.pdf)1 file (.pptx)enpeaceweavingpragmatismAddams, JaneJane Addams and the Nobel Art of PeaceweavingPresentation