Morille, JordanHarrold, Sydney Melinda2021-06-022021-06-022021-05Harrold, S. M. (2021). If (Unpublished thesis). Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas. is a 16 year old high school student living in 1990s Seattle, Washington. She lives an average middle class American life going to school and hanging out with friends. But there’s someone in her life that no one else knows about. “If” is Jillian’s lifelong imaginary friend who hasn’t cause her trouble, until recently. If feels like Jillian has started to replace her with a new friend, Heather, and so she decides to get in the way of their budding relationship. Jillian struggles to keep If a secret from her friends while juggling school and figuring out her feelings for Heather.Text94 pages1 file (.pdf)enscreenplayLGBTQ+period pieceHonors CollegeIf