Sarkar, Abhishek2022-03-212022-03-212017-01-24Sarkar, A. (2017). Multiple solutions of a fourth-order nonhomogeneous equation with critical growth in ℝ4. <i>Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 2017</i>(27), pp. 1-18.1072-6691 this article we study the existence of at least two positive weak solutions of an nonhomogeneous fourth-order Navier boundary-value problem involving critical exponential growth on a bounded domain in ℝ4, with a parameter λ > 0. We establish upper and lower bounds for λ, which determine multiplicity and non-existence of solutions.Text18 pages1 file (.pdf)enAttribution 4.0 InternationalBiharmonicCritical exponentMultiple solutionsMultiple solutions of a fourth-order nonhomogeneous equation with critical growth in R4Article