Winter, Edward M.Knudson, Duane V.2019-08-142019-08-142016-01Winter, E. M., & Knudson, D. V. (2016). Turning the corner on the correct use of terms and nomenclature to describe performance in sport and exercise? The Sport and Exercise Scientist, No. 47, pp. 30-31. 35 years ago, a PhD supervisor alerted one of the authors (Emeritus Prof Edward M Winter FBASES) to the misapplications of classical (Newtonian) mechanics in descriptions of the performance of exercise. That introduction sparked an interest that we share and that has seen expression of a gamut of emotions. From fascination, enjoyment and delight at sport and exercise science research reports through to frustration, exasperation, and almost despair at the unwillingness or inability of colleagues to use what is clearly laid down by Newton in his 1687 Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, the Systeme International d'Unites, the Royal Society (1975) and hence, science. This column is a reminder that science requires clear communication and accurate use of scientific terms of knowledge is to advance. It also provides some background to the recent paper on this topic entitled Misuse of 'power' and other mechanical terms in sport and exercise science research in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research (Winter et al., 2016).Text3 pages1 file (.pdf)enFirst published in The Sports and Exercise Scientist, Spring 2016, Issue 47. Published by the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences.performanceterminologysportsexercisenomenclatureTurning the Corner on the Correct Use of Terms and Nomenclature to Describe Performance in Sport and Exercise?Article