Perrotte, JessicaTran, Lin2024-05-022024-05-022024-05Tran, L. (2024). The relationship between intergenerational conflict with depressive symptoms and the alcohol use in Asian American emerging adults: The moderating factor of helicopter parenting (Unpublished thesis). Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas. Americans (AA) have been reported as “low risk” for depressive symptoms and alcohol use compared to members of other racial and ethnic groups. Literature suggests that sociocultural factors such as intergenerational conflict (IGC) and helicopter parenting (HP) have both significant and non-significant associations with these outcomes. In addition, there is a not a HP measure that has been validated for AAs, warranting additional research investigating when IGC predicts these outcomes and how HP plays into the relationship with IGC and these outcomes in AA emerging adults. The current study explored the factor structure of the HP measure and assessed whether HP may be a moderating factor between IGC with both outcomes among 281 AA emerging adults recruited from Texas State University and Prolific. There were multiple hypotheses for this study, and results partially showed marginally significant support. Three factors (Parent’s Perspective, Parent’s Control, Parent’s Actions) emerged from the factor structure on the HP measure. IGC was not associated with either outcome. However, Parent’s Control was a marginally significant moderator between IGC and both outcomes. Findings from this research suggest assessing other cultural values (individualism/collectivism, gender roles) that may affect HP with these outcomes. Future research should also focus on creating a HP measure adapted for AAs to better understand parent-child relationships within this population.Text46 pages1 file (.pdf)enintergenerational conflicthelicopter parentingdepressive symptomsalcohol useAsian Americanemerging adultsThe Relationship Between Intergenerational Conflict with Depressive Symptoms and the Alcohol Use in Asian American Emerging Adults: The Moderating Factor of Helicopter ParentingThesis