Green, Michael Clay2008-04-032012-02-242006-06Green, M. C. (2006). <i>Genetic and behavioral assessment of the occurrence of plumage dimorphism in reddish egrets</i>. Research Enhancement Program, Texas State University, San Marcos, TX. Enhancement Program Final ReportThe research project is still ongoing as the REP funds were used for initial field season (2006) and extraction and isolation of DNA from nestling Reddish Egrets. We monitored nests, collected blood samples from over 60 individuals, and completed DNA extraction and sexing of individuals using molecular primers. This initial data was used as preliminary data and was instrumental in successful funding from US Fish and Wildlife Service to expand this project.Text1 page1 file (.pdf)enplumage dimorphismreddish egretsUS fishwildlifegenetic assesmentbehavioral assesmentGenetic and Behavioral Assessment of the Occurrence of Plumage Dimorphism in Reddish EgretsReport