Marquet, Catherine Bouloux2021-05-142021-05-142004-11-16Marquet, C. B. (2004). Continuous host-macroparasite models with application to aquaculture. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 2004(131), pp. 1-14.1072-6691 study a continuous deterministic host-macroparasite system which involves populations of hosts, parasites, and larvae. This system leads to a countable number of partial differential equations that under certain hypotheses, is reduced to finitely many equations. Also we assume hypotheses to close the system and to define the global dynamics for the hosts. Then, we analyze the spatially homogeneous model without demography (aquaculture hypothesis), and show some preliminary results for the spatially structured model.Text14 pages1 file (.pdf)enAttribution 4.0 InternationalModellingHost-macroparasite systemDifferential equationsContinuous deterministic modelsContinuous host-macroparasite models with application to aquacultureArticle