Ghisi, Marina2021-01-272021-01-272003-09-17Ghisi, M. (2003). Large energy simple modes for a class of Kirchhoff equations. <i>Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 2003</i>(96), pp. 1-24.1072-6691 is well known that the Kirchhoff equation admits infinitely many simple modes, i.e., time periodic solutions with only one Fourier component in the space variable(s). We prove that for some form of the nonlinear term these simple modes are stable provided that their energy is large enough. Here stable means orbitally stable as solutions of the two-modes system obtained considering initial data with two Fourier components.Text24 pages1 file (.pdf)enAttribution 4.0 InternationalKirchhoff equationsOrbital stabilityHamiltonian systemsPoincare mapKAM theoryLarge energy simple modes for a class of Kirchhoff equationsArticle