Zhao, ZhihongXu, Yuan-TongLi, Yongjin2021-08-022021-08-022007-01-25Zhao, Z., Xu, Y., & Li, Y. (2007). Existence and uniqueness of travelling wavefronts for a bio-reactor equations with distributed delays. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 2007(18), pp. 1-11.1072-6691https://hdl.handle.net/10877/14168We consider the diffusive single species growth in a plug flow reactor model with distributed delay. For small delay, existence and uniqueness of such wavefronts are proved when the convolution kernel assumes the strong generic delay kernel. The approaches used in this paper are geometric singular perturbation theory and the center manifold theorem.Text11 pages1 file (.pdf)enAttribution 4.0 InternationalBio-reactor modelTravelling wavefrontsDistributed delayHeteroclinic orbitSingular perturbation theoryCenter manifold theoremExistence and uniqueness of travelling wavefronts for a bio-reactor equations with distributed delaysArticle