Lopanec, BrittneyBatterton, KatlynMaldonado, Luis2018-09-062018-09-062018-04-26Lopanec, B., Batterton, K., & Maldonado, L. (2018). What makes you happy? Using statistical analysis to measure significance of happiness scores. Poster presented at the Undergraduate Research Conference and Honors Thesis Forum, San Marcos, TX.https://hdl.handle.net/10877/7700Happiness is a state of mind that relates to life satisfaction and positive experience of emotions. Happiness is recognized as a measure for social progress. It depicts the effectiveness of a country. We have used clustering and regression as analytical methods for our analysis. Our project will give insights as to why each country holds their ranking in the World Happiness Report.Image1 page1 file (.pdf)enhappyclusterregressionWhat Makes You Happy? Using Statistical Analysis to Measure Significance of Happiness ScoresPoster