Streu, William2021-08-192021-08-192021-09Streu, W. (2021). The importance of financial social work, Louder Than Words, 01(01), pp. 1-11. social work profession uses many approaches to fulfill its mission of enhancing human well-being for all people (NASW, 2017). Financial social work is one approach that deserves greater attention in the field. It promotes the economic well-being of everyone through financial capability (Sherraden & Huang, 2019). Economic injustices, such as extreme income inequality, poverty, homelessness, unaffordable housing, and predatory financial practices, reveal a tremendous need for financial social work today. Despite these realities, many social workers find themselves unprepared to assist their clients with their financial circumstances and difficulties. This paper makes a case for increasing the inclusion of this approach in social work practice and education through analyzing its implications on social work theory and ethical principles.Text11 pages1 file (.pdf)enfinancial literacyeconomic injusticessocial worktheory and critical principlesThe Importance of Financial Social WorkArticle