Rao, SandhyaCarvajal, Sergio2014-08-212014-08-212014-07Carvajal, S. (2014). <i>The Texan Italian stories documentary series: Fostering social connections among members of a geo-ethnic community through the process of media creation</i> (Unpublished thesis). Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas.https://hdl.handle.net/10877/5286No abstract prepared.Text86 pagesEpisode II (.mp4) 00:14:41Episode III (.mp4) 00:15:381 file (.pdf)2 files (.mp4)enGeo-ethnic mediaPerformative filmmakingSpreadable mediaParticipatory cultureEthno-fictionThe Texan Italian Stories Documentary Series: Fostering Social Connections Among Members of a Geo-Ethnic Community through the Process of Media CreationThesis